European based Vegan alternatives – “Ingredients for everyday”

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European based Vegan alternatives – “Ingredients for everyday”

The small Vegan Ingredients plan – European based vegan alternatives, with plants especially from Europe so that Vegan newbies have the chance to find local affordable ingredients for her new way of cooking. With the locally sources Ingredients you do best to your body as well as the environment since long distance transports from overseas can be avoided!! Feel free to comment and tell us what your favorite ingredients from your country or area are, sharing is caring. TF

La Vita a Fattoria la Vialla – “A holistic biodynamic view”

La Vita a Fattoria la Vialla – “A holistic biodynamic view” by Truefoodsblog View Post

La Vita a Fattoria la Vialla – “A holistic biodynamic view”

Castiglion Fibocchi close to Arezzo. It is Mid-September and the leaves start falling from the apple and pear trees, the last fruits are waiting to be harvested. We drive between an avenue of cypress trees, pine trees and olive groves with the warm sun in our back.

Our destination – The famous Biodynamic Fattoria la Vialla in the beautiful Chianti hills of central Tuscany. This Farm visit is a really special one for us and a childhood dream is going to become true.

Spring is coming = Hay fever time – “Top 5 Hay fever survival tips” by Truefoodsblog

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Spring is coming = Hay fever time – “Top 5 Hay

fever survival tips” by Truefoodsblog

For the most of us, it is probably the most beautiful time of the year. The Birds start singing, the Crops start growing and the flowers start blooming. Bees are carrying the first pollen around and the whole nature wakes up slowly.

But for an increasing number of people, this time of the year can also be a nightmare: people with  Hay fever-, and other pollen allergies. I (Moritz) Include myself to these people, after years of beautiful springs with having this issue I told myself to find a solution/easing to most of the problems regarding pollen allergies. I want to share with you my Top 5 survival tips which helped me a lot during pollen and hay season to enjoy life as well.

The darkside of superfoods – “a look behind the facade”

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The Darkside of superfoods

Chia Pudding, Acai Power Bowl, Matcha Latte, and Green Smoothie – They all have something in common; all of them contain so-called superfoods. But it is not only producers and retailers, who affirm their beneficial impact on health.

How high is your carbon footprint ? – make the test now

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Carbon Footprint

Today we did a calculation how high the carbon footprint from every single student in University is. The key of this quiz was to find out how many planets does it take to support the lifestyle of every single attendant. And it was pretty impressive to see even if you think your behavior is ecologically friendly, you will use the resources of more than one earth.

Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action”

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Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action”

Climate Change – Over 50 percent of packaged food products in supermarkets are containing palm oil. Hereby the impact of palm oil agriculture on climate change is tremendous and most people do not even know why. Click on the Article: Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action” to continue reading.