Grandmas Sandcake “Oma Gertis Sandkuchen”

“Oma ist die Beste”.

“Grandma is the best” in English. There is no family gathering without this cake!

When i was a child i never paid attention to it. There were so many amazing creme cakes with fruit and crumbles and i did not want to waste space of my belly on a boring dry white cake in the corner.

I guess, some things you first learn when you get older, one of those lessons was – sometimes the dry looking cakes are the most flavorful, most satisfying cakes on the whole table! This equation definatly dessolves for this one! With its buttery, rum falvor its the favorite of our whole family and maybe soon of you.

All credits to my, Claire’s, Oma Gerti!

Omas Sandkuchen für Opa -2 - Truefoodsblog

Omas Sandkuchen für Opa -2 – Truefoodsblog


How you do it:

  1. Start with preheating the oven to 180°C.
  2. Melt the butter in a small pt and set aside again to cool.
  3. Seperate the yolks from the white and beat the eggwhites to a stiff foam. Give 1 tbsp of warm water to the yolk and add vanilla sugar and sugar. Beat this again until foamy.
  4. In a seperatevessel, mix the flour with baking powder, add the rum and the butter  and mix. Now gently mix the eggwhites with it. Don’t overmix it.
  5. Give the dough to a buttered cake form and bake for around 50-60 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Let it cool, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve to a starving grandpa!


German translation:

Den Ofen auf 180° C Ober/Unterhitze vorheizen.

  1.    Butter in kleinem Topf schmelzen. Nicht zu heiß werden lassen und anschließend beiSeite stellen.
  2.    Die Eier trennen und Eiweiß zu Schnee schlagen. Eigelb mit 1 EL Wasser (warm), Zucker und Vanillezucker schaumig rühren. Zucker und Vanillezucker hinzufügen und schaumig rühren.
  3.    In separaten Schüssel Mehl mit Backpulver verrühren, den Rum mit der Butter vermischen und in die Schüssel mit Mehl geben. Den Eischnee vorsichtig unter den Teig heben.
  4.    Die Masse in eine vorbereitete Kastenform füllen und für ca. 50-60 Minuten backen
  5.    Den fertigen Kuchen mit Puderzucker bestreuen und mit Opa genießen.


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