Pak Choi Recipe – Rice Pan with a light Homemade Peanutsauce

Pak Choi Recipe -Rice Pan with a light homemade peanut sauce- So sad – we had to leave our garden and the babies behind! the beetroot was almost finished and the turnip started developing the first ambassadors. Luckily Fiona is staying for a few days longer and takes care of the babies. Ohje ohje if someone would have told us just 1 year ago that we would talk like that about a little garden with a few tryouts of planting our own vegetables- we would have laughed. But it’s almost like having children! πŸ˜€Β  you watch them grow, they get some weird kind of flues and you say that they are beautiful just the way they are, although they might not look perfect πŸ˜€

Another thing about gardening is that you are waiting and waiting for everything to grow and when the time is there you are facing an abundance of one and the same vegetable which you have to cook and eat!

That especially happened with our Pakchoi and Mangold. Look forward to the recipe of the Mangold – coming within the next days!

So what did we do? we chopped the pak choi and froze it – which is the coolest thing ever – you preserve all the vitamins, taste and minerals and don’t get sick by trying to eat all the vegetables fresh before they are moldy!

We also had to find out what to do with pak choi πŸ˜€ We decided to put it into one of our basic dishes which is a rice pan with sauce. Moritz is working on creating the perfect peanut sauce for weeks now and I was pretty impressed by this version of the Pak-choi rice pan with a light self-made peanut sauce J

Pak Choi Recipe - Truefoodsblog

Pak Choi Recipe – Truefoodsblog

Enjoy !


How you do it:

  1. Start with cooking your rice by either adding 1 cup of rice and 1,5 cup of water into a rice cooker or a normal pan. Add a pinch of salt, maybe a capsule of cardamom, a slice of ginger and one sip of rice vinegar for some taste πŸ˜‰
  2. Start with preparing your peanut sauce – steps below.
  3. Start with washing your carrots into thing sticks and the mushrooms into 4 pieces and set them aside. They will be added raw.
  4. Cut the paprika into thing stripes as well as cutting the broccoli into little roses.
  5. Heat coconut oil pan and a pot of water with a pinch of salt.
  6. Add the paprika to a pan and let it get cooked and slightly brown. Add the broccoli to the salt water until its bright green and al dente
  7. Sprinkle the paprika with some salt and set it aside. Add the broccoli to the still hot pan and let it fry for 2 minutes. Add a sprinkle of soy sauce to finish up
  8. Use the pan again, heat some coconut oil again and add the pak choi. Stir until everything starts shrinking. Add the lemon zest and the soy sauce and take it from the heat.


Curcuma poached egg:


  1. Heat some water with 1 tbsp of vinegar and1/2 tbsp of Curcuma
  2. When the water starts boiling stir it slightly and let the egg sink into the water. Try to keep it together with a folk. Take the pot off the heat and let it sit for another 2 minutes until its completely white.


Peanut sauce:


  1. Peel some raw peanuts and remove the inner and outer shells.
  2. Cut the onion, ginger, and garlic into small cubes.
  3. Heat some coconut oil to medium heat and add the cubes. Let them get glazy and slightly golden. Stir occasionally
  4. Add the Peanuts and let them roast with the cubes
  5. Add a little pinch of yellow curry paste and add the coconut milk. Let it simmer.
  6. Add some salt, paprika powder, chili flakes, black pepper, coriander powder and vegetable stock powder
  7. Blend the sauce with a mixer and set the sauce aside.




Bring everything together and top it off with some sesame seeds or roasted cashews. Enjoy !


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